December 13, 2021 | Awards
The following professional press photographers based in Ireland have been announced as finalists in the IPPVA Irish Professional Photographer and Videographer of the Year awards 2022, having won multiple awards in the Press category during the heats in 2021.
IPPVA Photographers can submit to the Press category any image that captures an event or newsworthy item that would be of interest to the public or a specific group, any image that creates awareness of what is going on in the world, be it at local, international or global level.
The judges are expecting a high level of journalistic merit.
Award-Winning Photograph in the Press Category by Naoise Culhane.
More about Naoise CulhaneAward-Winning Photograph in the Press Category by Sheena Jolley.
More about Sheena JolleyAward-Winning Photograph in the Press Category by Michael McLaughlin.
More about Michael McLaughlinNotifications
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