Why join the IPPVA?

Joining the IPPVA means you become part of the longest-serving business network of photographers and videographers in Ireland, having been established in 1949.

As well as offering professional support, a sense of community and education opportunities, the IPPVA supports the economic interests of its members through government lobbying and the social interests of its members through in-person activities.

As a volunteer-led not-for-profit association, the IPPVA is always open to members to contribute their time, expertise and ideas to the future of the association and welcomes members playing an active role in driving the direction of the association.

Photographers and videographers in Ireland tend to be small businesses and sole-traders. The power of numbers that a representative association offers creates a stronger voice for the industry as a whole, which in turn brings benefits for everybody.

Benefits of joining the IPPVA

Support Network

Join a support network of fellow professionals who offer advice, expertise and emergency cover as required.

Credibility / Authority

Being a member of the IPPVA will help enhance your reputation as a professional photographer or videographer in Ireland, and it will show your potential clients that you run your business with integrity, expertise, and professionalism while aiming to excel in everything you do for your clients.

Irish Professional Photographer & Videographer Awards

The Irish Professional Photographer and Videographer Awards run annually and are the showcase awards for our industry. Judged based on criteria of technical excellence, impact, and creativity, the IPPVA awards have a credibility that few other photography or videography awards in Ireland carry.

Our awards are judged by qualified and experienced panels of Irish and international judges, and only images that meet the highest standards can obtain an IPPVA award. As such, an IPPVA award is a mark of excellence for any individual piece of work, or a body of work.

Education and Events

Our partnership with Skillnet offers members access to a range of training services, often at discounted rates, throughout the year and we also aim to run in-house workshops, and online training to enhance members’ skills and encourage Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in all areas of businesses.

Government lobbying and advocacy

Over its long history the IPPVA has lobbied the government on areas including VAT rates, drone regulations, business supports for Covid-19, and artist recognition. The IPPVA also advocates for its members in copyright disputes and can assist members with arbitration or advice for any legal or business difficulties.

IPPVA full members get

  • A profile listing in our SEO-Optimised online directory
  • An “IPPVA Member” seal to use on your website & social media
  • Access to dedicated resources for professional photographers & videographers
  • Opportunity to be featured on our blog
  • A subsidised professional development & training programme
  • Access to the IPPVA awards
  • Support, advice & networking opportunities
  • Access to private IPPVA Member Community Group
  • Regular members-only newsletter
  • Membership of the Federation of European Photographers (FEP) and “European Photographer” status.

Photographers: Application Form Videographers: Application Form Student/Graduate: Application Form

IPPVA Membership Fees

Full Membership – €275

Only practicing Professional Photographers and videographers who have successfully completed the application & qualification process may be considered for FULL membership of the Association. One panel submission is included in the first year’s membership.

Student Membership – €50 per year

Any person studying a recognised academic or technical photography or videography course for career purposes. Student Members get access to IPPVA events, discounts on goods and services, support & networking.

Retired Membership – €50 per year

Members who were previously FULL members can opt for this category when they can demonstrate that they have clearly retired from the business of professional photography. Retired members still get access to IPPVA events, discounts on goods and services, support & networking.

Panel Submissions

Licentiateship – €50

Full Members of the IPPVA practising both Photography and Videography professionally need to submit a Licentiateship panel for both to be listed under both categories. First submission included in initial membership fee

Associateship – €50

A candidate for Associateship MUST hold Licentiateship of the IPPVA for at least two years. The cost of submission is payable in advance.

Fellowship – €100

A candidate for Fellowship must hold Associateship of the IPPVA for at least two years. The cost of submission is payable in advance.

Returning Members

If you have been an IPPVA member in the past, welcome back! We invite you to use this link to re-activate your original membership and update your contact information within two years of cancelling. We invite you to contact the IPPVA office via phone or email to verify that our records are in agreement.

Studio Membership

Discounts are available to studios employing multiple photographers. Members joining under a Studio membership must share a company name, address, and website to be eligible. Only full members are eligible to be considered for Studio Membership. Studio memberships require an email or phone call to the IPPVA Office.

Full Membership Application process

  1. Check the application requirements below in detail.
  2. Submit your application with relevant documents along with the application fee (€50)
  3. Submit your panel for your Licentiateship Qualification (LIPPVA). [See requirements at the bottom of the page.]
  4. On acceptance, pay the balance of the membership fee and become a full IPPVA Member.

Application Requirements for Full Membership

Each applicant must:

  • Be primarily and professionally engaged in photography or videography, either self-employed or employed.
  • Operate their businesses in a professional manner, including fulfilling their contractual obligations to their clients.
  • Operate in accordance with the code of ethics of the IPPVA and to uphold the standards of the association in their dealings with the public and their fellow members.
  • Have Professional Indemnity Insurance and Public Liability Insurance in the industry standard amount of €6.5 million and produce certificates of cover on application and renewal.
  • Have a valid tax clearance from the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland.
  • Have a professional website showcasing their photography or videography services.
  • Have a photography or videography services related business or company name registered at the Companies Registration Office Ireland.
  • Pay membership subscription fees on demand.
  • Achieve the Licentiate Qualification of the Association. Licentiateship is the first level of qualification within the IPPVA and shows the photographer or videographer to be a qualified professional person. (Panel requirements are listed below.)

Before submitting your panel, we highly recommend you seek feedback from someone you value in the industry.

Note: On application, you will be required to pay a €50 non-refundable application fee. If your panel is successful, the application fee will be deducted from the membership amount for the first year.

If your panel is successful
You will officially become an IPPVA Full Member… Our team will be in contact with you regarding the private IPPVA Facebook Group information, IPPVA Member logo etc.

If your panel is unsuccessful
If your panel application fails through, the IPPVA will provide you with a list of IPPVA mentors and you can avail of 1h mentoring as part of the application process to help you submit a stronger panel within 12 months.

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee of a successful outcome. If you are unsuccessful, the panel judges will offer you feedback and options for your continuing development will be discussed with you.

Photographers: Application Form Videographers: Application Form

LIPPVA Qualification

Licentiateship is the first level of qualification within the IPPVA and shows the photographer or videographer to be a qualified professional person. It shows a good level of skill and competence.

Judging of Licentiateship photography panels is by IPPVA Associates and Fellows.


Once your application has been approved (see criteria above), you will be asked to submit your panel of images.

Panel Submission for Photographers

Please submit 20 images that you think represent your best work.


Image guidelines

The images must be 4000px on the longest side. 72 DPI

Images MUST have no photographer/studio name on them; if so, they will automatically be disqualified. Images must be numbered JPEG 1 to 20 as you want them to be presented in the panel.

The work will be assessed for:

While the criteria above are here to guide you, the panel judges are looking to see that the photographer is proficient in using the camera in a technically correct way and producing images of high quality.

Panel Submission for Videographers

Please submit 3 video samples that you think represent your best work.


Video Guidelines

Each applicant must submit online a panel of 3 videos at least 1 minute long, ideally no longer than 5 minutes. As videos submitted should be representative of client-delivered work from the applicant, longer videos may be submitted but panel judges will only be required to spend 5 minutes assessing each video.

No names or additional identification marks may appear on any of the submitted work.

Please name your video files FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME_01, FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME_02 and FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME_03. You will need to upload them directly to our IPPVA Dropbox folder through the link supplied on the application form.

The work will be assessed for: